Scans & Audits

Our e-privacy services are designed to make privacy information security as practical and easy as possible for you. In doing so, we go beyond legal compliance and preventing fines.

Scans & Audits

The Privacy Scan & Audit conducted by our specialist helps you to get a clear overview of the cookies and similar technologies you use in your digital communication channels
ePrivacy Scan
The ePrivacy Scan helps you to get a clear overview of the cookies and similar technologies you use in your digital communication channels and its compliance.
Internal Privacy Audit
The audit helps and supports your organization in meeting your data protection obligations, but also helps in understanding them
GDPR Self-assessment
With our GDPR self assessment, we help you assess how well privacy compliance is documented and organised in your organisation.
Privacy Maturity Scan
The privacy maturity scan is a good start to assess the level of privacy maturity and plan for further improvements
GDPR Quick Scan
With our GDPR Quick Scan, we assess in depth to what extent your organisation has documents, processes

We are ready to help you

We are ready to help you to review your privacy statement, draft a good cookie statement and help you implement a mechanism to obtain valid, granular, consent where that is necessary.
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